Hello! I'm pleased to say that I have a little bit of progress to update this blog with.
1. I officially joined the gym! There's a Planet Fitness about 2 miles from my house that seems pretty cool. Everything in there is purple or yellow! I'll go work out there for the first time tomorrow. I still haven't started tracking my calories...oops.
2. I've been practicing the skateboard. I'm good enough to skate all the way down the driveway...if I stop at the huge crack in the middle. If I don't stop intentionally at that point, I'll sure stop unintentionally. At least, the skateboard will stop, while I go flying forward. Ask me how I found that out. I need a better place to practice.
3. My room is *almost* clean. Another day or two of organizing and I'm set.
4. Another goal that didn't make it onto my original list is getting my dog healthy again. His name's Scoop, he's ten years old and he has terrible allergies. Like all year round, absolutely miserable without treatment allergies. And the past few weeks have been especially bad. His skin's been super itchy and he's been coughing. But I took him to the vet today and got him a prescription. And we cut his hair really short yesterday to try to help with the itching. So yay, hopefully this is another goal accomplished.
5. Haven't worked any more on my resume or getting a job. *sigh*
That's all I've got for now!
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